
Car Rental Terms

We present Cyprus car rental conditions in the most detailed way. We recommend that you take a look at the details before getting TRNC rent a car service.
Driving in Cyprus Contrary to popular belief, it is the easiest and most advantageous method for a good holiday. Moreover, in economic terms, it will be a great advantage for you to get rent a car service instead of public transportation and tours. However, if you do not provide the right rental service from the right place, you may have a headache. You will not only deal with some problems during your holiday, but you may also encounter various legal problems. For this reason, as EuroDrive Rent a Car company, we recommend you to review our Cyprus car rental terms text. Thus, you will learn the conditions and procedures under which you will rent a car and what you may encounter afterwards.

Frequently Asked Questions and Frequently Asked Questions about Cyprus Car Rental

Where to get Cyprus car rental advice?

You can search the internet for Cyprus car rental advice, and you can also access details on this subject from social accounts. For a quality company like EuroDrive Rent aCcar, we are definitely waiting for you at our office.

Are car rental prices high in Cyprus?

Even compared to car rental companies in the Aegean and Mediterranean locations in Turkey, car rental prices in Cyprus are quite reasonable. You will not have the opportunity to get tourist car rental services at such affordable prices, especially in a country where transactions are mainly made in Euros and Sterling.

What is the Cyprus car rental age limit?

If you have come to Cyprus for a holiday, the age limit at the car rental point is set as 25. We should also point out that there is a requirement to have a driver's license for at least 5 years.

Where to find Kyrenia rental cars?

Our company can offer all kinds of support required for Kyrenia rental cars at affordable prices.

Is long-term car rental in Cyprus advantageous?

If you have come to Cyprus for a long-term holiday or business trip, it will be more economically advantageous for you to get a long-term car rental service.

Is car rental in Nicosia made by contract?

As in the whole of Cyprus, you can get Nicosia car rental services under contract from our company.
Nowadays, when vehicle prices are increasing day by day, the procedures you must follow are extremely important for your budget. If you do not want to have financial problems due to minor violations, we recommend that you read the rental agreement carefully.

EuroDrive Rent a Car- Car Rental Terms in Cyprus

Since our company acts completely in accordance with legal procedures, it guarantees your safety and the equipment and maintenance of the vehicles you will use. However, there are some obligations you must fulfill and conditions you must meet in order to provide a higher quality and safer service. EuroDrive Rent a Car- Car rental conditions in Cyprus are listed as follows:

  • The passport you used at customs when entering Cyprus and the identity document you brought with you
  • In order to rent a car, you must have a registered driver's license in your name that has been in use for at least 5 years
  • In order to receive car rental service, you must be at least 1 day over the age of 25
  • Due to company procedures, car rental services are not provided to students residing in Cyprus
  • For Turkish citizens, a Republic of Turkey driving license alone is sufficient to rent a car, subject to the residence condition in Cyprus.

Rules to be followed when renting a car in Cyprus

The main items we have listed above are extremely important. If even one of these is not fulfilled, the vehicle will not be delivered. For car rental conditions in Cyprus, you are kindly requested to comply with the other provisions below:

Car rental service is provided entirely on contractual basis. For this reason, the person whose name is written in the contract can use the rented vehicle.

When the vehicle is used by a person whose name is not written in the contract, problems and criminal sanctions may occur in the police and law enforcement authorities. However, if you wish, you can add 1 more person to the contract; Thus, you can use the vehicle with 2 drivers. No extra fee will be charged for adding a 2nd Driver, but the documents listed above are required for the 2nd Driver.

You can get Cyprus car rental service for a minimum of 3 days. Below this, if you need a car for 1 or 2 days, rental service is available for a 3-day fee. However, at this point, you need to contact our authorized representative as there will be some discounts.

In accordance with the procedures implemented in Cyprus, the steering wheel is on the right side in all vehicles. Renting left-hand drive vehicles is completely prohibited. For this reason, your requests for a left-hand drive vehicle before renting will unfortunately not be taken into account.

In accordance with company procedures, the price offer for the car rental service is received by cash or credit card when you pick up your vehicle. We will not request any extra commission for payments.

If you have made a car reservation before or after arriving in Cyprus, EuroDrive Rent a Car will deliver this vehicle to you after payment. However, if we do not have the vehicle you have reserved due to some circumstances beyond our control, such as various malfunctions, contract extensions or accidents, you can request any of the available vehicles in our vehicle fleet.

If you are going to cancel the reservations you have made from our EuroDrive Rent a Car company, you must inform us at least 24 hours before the determined schedule.

The fines written to you by radar systems as a result of camera speed control in Cyprus are delivered to our company by law enforcement forces. Afterwards, a copy of the contract you made is returned to the police, and the next time you enter Cyprus, a fine is collected by the police. All penalties belong to the person who signed the car rental contract.

Elements Included in Our Prices in Rent A Car Service

When you examine our website, you will encounter vehicles of different models and levels. Below we list all standard services included in our car rental prices:

Guaranteed to Benefit from Exempt Traffic Insurance

All prices include Exempt Traffic Accident Insurance (CDW).

Exempt Accident Insurance covers damages that may occur in the event of a collision. If the insurance conditions are met, 300 Pounds of the damage resulting from the collision will be compensated by the customer. This insurance does not cover damages not caused by a collision (parking lot, tire, glass breakage, headlight breakage, key loss and damage).

Driving without mileage limit

Delivery and return are possible in Kyrenia and Nicosia regions for a fee to be determined.

Cyprus Car Rental Conditions for Students in Cyprus

Students who are students in TRNC must first convert their current driver's license to a TRNC driver's license in order to use their vehicles. Otherwise, in case of an accident, the insurance will not pay the damage and the renter will be liable to pay any deductions.

T.R. In order to change your license to TRNC Driving License, you need to attend any driving school, course and pay lump sum fees.

Can Newly Graduated Students from TRNC Rent a Car?

Students who graduate from school are still officially considered students in TRNC First of all, they must have their student records completely deleted from the TRNC Immigration Police.

Student records will be changed in the system after leaving TRNC and re-entering the country by obtaining a 30-day tourist visa.

Students who meet the above conditions; If the age limit is 25 years or older and they have a driver's license for at least 5 years, they can rent a car with the difference of EuroDrive Rent a Car.

Requirements for Car Rental Insurance to Be Valid

Since you will receive a rental service with a £300 vehicle insurance exemption, you will need to pay close attention to some issues. Once the conditions for renting a car in Cyprus are fully met, exemptions and other procedures will come into force legally through the contract. Traffic insurance covering all vehicles is a legal document.

However, there are procedures you must follow from the moment you rent your vehicle to the moment you return it. In case of violation of these procedures, vehicle insurance and guarantees will be invalid. Moreover, since all vehicle-related damages will not be covered by insurance, it will create a financial burden for you. Legally, the conditions and violations required for the insurance to be invalid are listed as follows:

  • Situations that are not covered by Exempt Accident Insurance include tire, glass or headlight damage.
  • Using a rental vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs,
  • Filling the passenger car above the load limit, causing damage or an accident with the loaded load,
  • Allowing use by anyone other than those whose names are written in the car rental agreement,
  • Using the vehicle outside of traffic needs (rally and race, drifting by violating traffic rules, etc.)
  • Using the vehicle outside of normal usage conditions (In cases such as using the engine constantly at high speed, driving on bad roads, choosing a passenger vehicle as an off-road vehicle, etc., EuroDrive Rent A Car has the right to terminate the rental agreement and take delivery of the vehicle from the tenant without a refund.)
  • Using the vehicle in areas closed to traffic or on illegal roads,
  • Towing or transporting another defective vehicle together with the rented vehicle,
  • Although the rental contract expired, the vehicle was not delivered. In such a case, any problems that may occur in the vehicle will be entirely the responsibility of the tenant.
  • Damages to the console, seats and upholstery in the vehicle during the rental period,
  • Damage to the vehicle or the other party due to the loads carried in the vehicle,
  • Careless and imprudent use of the vehicle (not applying wiper fluid and maintenance in rainy weather, not adjusting tire pressure correctly, etc.)
  • Leaving the vehicle at the scene of the accident at the time of the accident, unless there is a disability determined by a doctor's report. Failure to immediately report an accident or theft to the phone numbers provided by us,
  • Failure to obtain a traffic and alcohol report from the competent authorities within 2 days in case of an accident.

Payment Terms and Credit Card Pre-Authorization for Car Rental Service

Since the car rental service will naturally fulfill a contract, the person who wants to rent the vehicle must be present at the time of the contract and payment. The total car rental fee and all security deposits will be collected before vehicle delivery. If a credit card will be used during the car rental process, the credit card must belong to the person who will rent the vehicle. You cannot use someone else's credit card during the rental process.

When a credit card is used, in addition to the rental fee, a deposit will be collected or a pre-authorization blockage will be made, depending on the vehicle desired to be rented, ranging from 3.000 to 7.500 TL. For this reason, you should check the limit of the credit card you want to use before coming to our authorized office; If the limit is not sufficient, you should contact your bank and request a limit increase.

The amount collected or blocked as a deposit will be collected at the end of the rental, if any, for the above-mentioned additional services, guarantees, fuel, damage fees, traffic fines, etc. After deducting the fees not included in the reservation, such as (in cases where the conditions written in the rental agreement and explained in the section "What to do in case of accident and theft" are not met), they will be refunded to the same card, and the blockage will be removed as a result of this transaction.

Although deposit refunds are processed very quickly by us, we would like to point out that there will be a transaction waiting period due to the bank.
You can make your payments in any currency you prefer. At the credit card point, you can choose the credit card of any bank you want and carry out the transaction.

Why Book With Us?
No hidden fees
Reliable service
24/7 customer service
Wide range of vehicles
Fixed price car hire


Worldwide Rent Stations


Cars of various categories


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